Christ Will Build His Church
by Mike Erich
to the tune of “Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken” (Austrian Hymn)
Christ His church will ever build up,
Out of living stones will frame
It to be a holy temple
Built to glorify His name.
Christ the Head rules o’er the body,
Every part and joint supplies.
He possesses the preeminence,
Though the whole world Him denies.
Christ, who is the one true Shepherd,
Evermore His flock shall lead;
Though the hireling flees the danger,
He is there in time of need.
Though we tread the darksome valley,
He is ever at our side;
Though our enemies surround us,
All our needs He does provide.
He who cleft the sea asunder,
Brought forth water from the stone,
He who ruled the storm and thunder,
He has claimed us for His own.
Who can stand against the Power
Who has made the earth and sky?
Though we face the roaring lion,
There is naught can Him defy.
Christ has put us in the body,
To each gift and place has given,
That we might all work together,
Casting out old sin like leaven.
There is not a part so mighty
But his brother needs to stand;
There is not a task so meager
God to honor has not planned.
With His blood He did us purchase;
For our sin He did atone.
He has come that He might clothe us
In His righteousness alone.
Who can bring a charge against us
If our Lord does not condemn?
No created thing existing
Can sep-a-rate us from Him.
Let us follow now our Master,
For He ever leads the way,
Tread on scorpions and serpents,
For o’er all things He holds sway.
Let us sow and let us water,
Knowing God the increase gives.
Let us face death, sword and fire,
Knowing that our Savior lives.
(Should anyone wish to use this song, permission is granted provided it is not altered or sold or performed for monetary gain without the author's prior agreement.)