Monday, October 21, 2013

A Touch of Humor - The Burden of Membership

What does it mean to be a member of a church? Is it important for a Christian to be one?


  1. We are all members of The Church!

    LOL, you knew I would say that! But seriously, I think that one should try to be a part of a local body of believers. Apart from that I do not know how one would be able to establish the relationships essential to live and love teh Christian life. That said, perhaps there are other ways?

    1. I knew you would say that and I agree with you. I just did not know any other way to phrase the question. I think the key thing is to be a part of the community to grow together and minister to one another. How you make that work is just mechanics.

  2. I think it is important to be active in a body of believers. (Our current congregation does not practice "membership."

    Regardless of your theology, I don't see how one can grow without having significant interaction with other Christians.

    1. I would agree with that and maintain that interaction is more important then having your name on a list.
