Re-Posted from "Meditations of a Charismatic Calvinist Who Does Not Speak in Tongues"
Do you have to be cold-hearted to be a Calvinist? Or does it just
help? To deal with this we first need to ask, What is the point of
Calvinism? As I see it, this is that though we were sinners and in
rebellion against God so that we would not have come to Him if left to
ourselves (Romans 3:10-12; 8:8; John 6:44), God chose to bring us to
Himself (Ephesians 1:4-11; Acts 13:48; Romans 8:29,30). The point of
this is the greatness of God's grace and the realization that there is
absolutely nothing we could do to contribute to our salvation. Far from
being a reason for pride, it is a reason for humility, and the
description given of those He chooses is hardly a basis for boasting (1
Corinthians 1:26-31). Therefore, it should cause us to have compassion
on those still enmeshed in the darkness of sin.
there is a danger here of making God's choosing into an abstraction
totally divorced from the fact of the fall and the price of redemption
and of seeing God as choosing between people as casually as a socialite
chooses outfits. We need to recognize that God is beyond our
understanding (Romans 11:33; 1 Corinthians 3:18; Isaiah 55:9), and we
cannot fully comprehend how God's sovereignty fits with human
responsibility or how or why God chooses. But He did not have to save
anyone, and He paid an enormous price to do it (Romans 5:6-8; 8:32; John
Calvinism can be confused with Stoicism, which
says life is tough and God made it that way because He wants us to be
tough. Rather, the Christian says life is tough, so we need to realize
we cannot deal with it ourselves, but must trust God. (Note that the
original Stoicism had no clear idea of a Fall, which distorted their
idea of God and the world.) Calvinism is also confused with
psychological determinism, which says our behavior is completely the
result of our heredity and environment. But it is one thing to say our
behavior is controlled by a personal God and another to say we are
merely the result of background influences. Psychological determinism
leaves us in doubt as to whether we can know anything at since all our
thoughts are the result of irrational causes. It also can leave us
looking at other people as just mechanisms determined by their
All these misconceptions can influence
Calvinists or be read in by opponents. Also, Calvinism in our culture,
and in some parts of the Christian church, carries with it a
considerable stigma. Therefore, only those who have or who develop
considerable determination and strength of conviction can hold to it.
Such people may be perceived, fairly or unfairly, as cold-hearted.
Sometimes you produce what you perceive in people. But to be kept in
perspective, predestination must be considered in connection with the
Fall and redemption.
Measles is Good for You!
5 hours ago
Not sure that I am up for a Calvinism debate. :)
ReplyDeleteBut if you want to know in which direction I lean you can check out my Debating Determinism post.
I do not really have anything more to add to our last discussion on the subject, though if you should want tackle it again we can. I have found this to be a subject that tends to raise hackles on both sides and therefore feel it should be approached with caution.