Re-Posted from "Meditations of a Charismatic Calvinist Who Does Not Speak in Tongues"
How do we understand it when Christ says that apart from Him we can
do nothing (John 15:5)? I once had an experience that helped me
understand this.
I was involved in a discussion with
the elders about whether some of the things I had done on the worship
team were too charismatic. It had not gone as I wanted it to go. They
encouraged me to continue on the worship team, but within certain
boundaries. Now I did not regard the boundaries themselves to be that
big a problem. But I was concerned that the issue would be divisive in
the congregation, which had various opinions on charismatic issues.
However, I enjoyed being on the worship team. So I convinced myself that
the discussion was not over and I could still manage to convince the
elders to see my point of view. The bottom line is I am stubborn and
sometimes God has to do something to get my attention.
on the worship team I would feel the power of God flowing through me.
That morning what I felt was God slowly pulling His power out. It was
like God was giving me just enough for that morning . At the end of the
service I felt like a dead battery, sucked dry of its last reserve of
current. I had never felt a more desolate feeling in my life. I do not
believe God personally ever left me, but any feeling of His power
working through me was gone. I do not know if this is how King Saul
felt, but if it was and it was permanent, I am not surprised he went
crazy, even ignoring the help of a demon (see 1 Samuel 16). One of the
elders, a very sensible man, when I said I was considering resigning
from the worship team, suggested I wait a few weeks and see if I still
felt that way. But there was no way I was going back up on that
platform. Not without His power. Now do not get me wrong; I am sure if
I gritted my teeth I could have physically walked up on the platform.
But I do not know and do not want to know what the results would have
looked like.
I am convinced the presence of the Holy
Spirit is always with the genuine believer in Christ (Romans 8:9; 1
Corinthians 6:19) and is at work in them to transform them into who God
wants them to be (2 Corinthians 3:18; Philippians 2:13). But He also
gives power to meet specific situations (Acts 4:23-31; 13:9-12). Now you
cannot prove doctrine from personal experience, but I feel mine does
illustrate the fact that apart from Him we really can do nothing. And
while my feeling that God is working through me has returned since I
resigned, this puts in perspective the times I simply feel dry and am
not aware of God working through me as strongly as normally.
Measles is Good for You!
6 hours ago
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