Monday, September 22, 2014

A Touch of Humor - Last Request

How can we avoid using the work of God as a steppingstone for our own advancement? How would these two motivations for working for God look different in practice?


  1. I think that religious work can be a powerful seduction for some because they see it as more sacred/spiritual than "secular" work. I think that it is a throwback to guys like Constantine who set up a Roman Catholic priesthood who lorded it over uneducated church goers. Best antidote is to expose the lies whenever one cans.

    1. I agree that the lay/clergy distinction is a bad one. I think it goes to the idea that ordination is a sacrament that automatically confers on someone a special authority. Protestantism may have rejected this in principle, but I am convinced a lot of the attitude still remains.

  2. Attitude is definitely part of it Mike. Many espouse the priesthood of all believers but don't act like they believe it as they set up an environment where authority rests in the hands of just a few.

    1. Scripture says all believers are priests and they are part Christ's body with a function to carry out in that body. But we do see all too frequently that idea the leaders do and decide everything. I am convinced this is the wrong approach.
