For even though I am ignorant in all things, nevertheless I attempted to safeguard some and myself also. And I gave back again to my Christian brethren and the virgins of Christ and the holy women the small unasked for gifts that they used to give me or some of their ornaments which they used to throw on the altar. And they would be offended with me because I did this. But in the hope of eternity, I safeguarded myself carefully in all things, so that they might not cheat me of my office of service on any pretext of dishonesty, and so that I should not in the smallest way provide any occasion for defamation or disparagement on the part of unbelievers.
Patrick, 390-461 AD, Confession, 49 (Christian Classics Ethereal Library, p. 17)
How careful should a leader in the Christian church be over the question of money? What precautions should be taken?
Measles is Good for You!
1 hour ago
I was a member of a church that (for the 18 years I attended) did not take one offering but had boxes at the doors where people could donate as they felt led. The church multiplied as they discussed what it meant to be a disciple and resisted the temptation to manipulate folks with the collection of religious taxes. I think that it is simply a matter of leaders relying on God to meet their financial needs.
ReplyDeleteI agree. I think the idea of a offering box is a good one. It avoids the look of manipulation.