(speaking of meeting Faintheart, Mistrust, and Guilt under the figure of thieves) But for such footman as thee and I are, let us never desire to meet with an enemy, nor vaunt as if we could do better, when we hear of others that they have been foiled, nor be tickled at the thoughts of our own manhood, for such commonly come by the worst when tried. Witness Peter, of whom I made mention before. He would swagger, ay he would: he would, as his vain mind prompted him to say, do better, and stand more for his master, than all men: but who so foiled, and run down with these villains as he?
John Bunyan, 1628-1688, The Pilgrim's Progress (edited by Roger Sharrock, Penguin Books, 1987, pp. 114-115)
How can we avoid the danger of being too sure of ourselves? What are the warning signs that we are in danger of this?
Free Stuff Fridays (P&R Publishing)
9 hours ago
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