Monday, June 18, 2012

A Touch of Humor - The Contribution

What are legitimate ways to appeal for money? How can we avoid the illegitimate ones?


  1. is a pretty good resource. Even so, I am not big on responding to appeals from folks I do not know. Mostly I only give to groups that I am personally involved with or are local ones like our KC homeless shelter. And, apart from my church, I have limits on how much I regularly give to any one group.

  2. I do think caution is the order of the day. There seem to be too many people seem willing to take advantage if we let them. And too many that would call themselves Christians. (It is not necessarily my place to judge the genuineness of their faith, but their behavior can be anything but Christian)

    1. I think that one of the great blessings and joys of life is to partner with a person in something that God has called them to do. We have been helping an architect friend of mine build orphanages and hospitals around the world for many years. I count it a privilege to be a small part of his amazing ministry.

  3. "I think that one of the great blessings and joys of life is to partner with a person in something that God has called them to do."

    That I can totally agree with.
